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Save Space with Upright Storage

Updated: May 24, 2023

Using vertical space for storage opens up a new world of possibilities!

This is my hubby and I are proud! (this definitely didn't happen overnight!)

A huge part of making space in the garage, or anywhere else, is using vertical space for storage - it can be a complete game changer all over the house, but especially in garages.

If you're one of the millions of people with a messy garage, know that you CAN fit a ton of things into your garage, we just need to be creative and utilize more of the space.

In my upcoming Great Garage Clearout Challenge, I'll share how-to steps and techniques and guide participants through clearing clutter. These are photos to show what can be done after clearing, when you know what you have, what you want to keep and what you need easy access to.

I'm no Martha Stewart, but I like to find things and put things away in my garage without stressing. I also LOVE that my husband and I always park both cars inside - a minor miracle (that story coming soon) - and we can easily both do our hobbies without strangling each other.

Upright Storage Examples

Here are some things stored vertically in my garage:

On the left are dowels and roundish wood, my cross country skis, fishing poles and oars. They're tucked into the beams and held in with bungee cords over nails and screws (screws won't pop out with a tight tug).

In the middle are magnetic strips with some of our most-used tools. My hubby has a few in his own stash on a small shelf he organizes his own way, but he knows if he takes something from these strips he'd better put them back...or else!

On the right are boards we have for building shelves (yes, I'm a wood stasher - I love wood projects!)

We use pegboard for storing tools and miscellaneous items:

We also use shelving units, drawers units and hooks, along with and other systems hanging from the ceiling to store my mountain bike and kayak (I'll share in future posts).

Upright storage can make a world of difference. If you don't know what kinds of systems are out there, take a peek at Pinterest - this is my garage organizing page with ideas I like.

Clear First, THEN Organize

Before you get all excited about buying new storage systems and bins, it's VERY important to clear clutter BEFORE buying.

It's no use organizing things you don't want, right?

It's tempting to shop for things to "get organized," but bins and organizing systems won't "get you organized" - they'll just help you store things more efficiently.

First you need to know what you're storing - how many, how much, how big, where...

Clear first, THEN organize - it's a good mantra to have if you dream of a more organized garage and life.

Find Your Vertical Space

Even if you have a garage full of "stuff," look around and see the vertical storage you have.

Are there rafters?

Is there wall space where shelves could go?

Are there ceiling beams that hooks could be screwed into?

Let your mind be a curious child who doesn't let "You can't do that" enter your mind....

Take off blinders, let go of overwhelm, and do a vertical space scavenger hunt!

I invite you and everyone you know who's overwhelmed by their garage or storage space to join my Great Garage Clearout Challenge.

And for ideas, peruse my garage Pinterest idea page - there's everything from do-it-yourself to full storage systems, and tons of fun ideas in between.

If you'd like help organizing your garage, join me and many others for the Great Garage Clearout Challenge July 21-25 or reach out to me for coaching - you'll be amazed at what we can do together!

If you want to join the challenge, make sure to sign up on my website: or reply to this post with I'M IN and I'll add you to the list.

Happy (Vertical) Organizing!



Please remember that I'm here for you! Reach out if you have questions and/or you feel stuck.

There's no need to struggle with clutter anymore - you're not alone and I can help you feel better right away.

For inspiration and organizing tips in your in-box, join my e-newsletter, Sunbeams. Inspiration only, no spam, I promise :)

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