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A Donation Station Makes it Easy to Declutter Every Day

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

A simple tip to get unwanted items out of our living spaces.

The Donation Station is one of my absolute favorite simple clutter solutions!

A Donation Station is a consistent, designated, easy-to-access but out-of-the way place to put things we come across on a daily basis that we don't want-use-need-love.

How many times do we walk by, move, touch or look at things we don't want in our homes, garages, cupboards and closets?

These items can clutter our physical and mental space - if there are enough of them and if they cause daily stress, they can make it difficult to fully rest or do fun things.

So many women I work with say, "I don't feel like I can do _____ until this mess is cleaned up." Date, have friends over, go away for vacation...

We deserve and need to fully rest, play and relax!

With the Donation Station, we become fully conscious and give our brains permission to truly SEE what's around us, to notice unwanted, unused, unloved items cluttering our lives.

With permission granted, we start noticing things EVERYWHERE that can go in it!

And instead of letting our eye or hand (or foot!) pass over these things, we can get in the habit of taking a moment to pick them up and take them right to the donation station.

Even after years of using this system, I'm still amazed at how often my Donation Station fills up!

The idea is to put these things in the Donation Station any time we notice them:

  • Don't wear it

  • Don't want it

  • Don't use it

  • Don't love it

  • It bothers you

  • It jams up a drawer

  • It never seems to find the right home

  • Someone gave it to you and you know you'll never use-love-want-need it (Yes, it's ok! You don't need to hold onto gifts out of guilt. Tell them TidyWild told you to do it!)

I used to use the system in the photo above, now I use a laundry basket next to my washing machine.

It's easy to access, and is right next to the door I go through to get in my car so I can easily grab a box or bag, fill it up, and put it in my car to donate while out running errands.

It's REALLY full right now, which is what made me think of this! As soon as I hit publish, I'll be gathering it all and putting it in my car to donate on my way to the post office tomorrow.

Allowing ourselves to put on reality goggles let's us really SEE what's around us and FEEL what it's doing to us on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis.

The ugly mugs in the back of the cupboard making it hard to put in loved mugs? They have permission to say, "You can let me go now."

The dress last worn over ten years ago that didn't fit right even then can say, "I'm ready to go to someone who'll wear me - and actually LIKE me!"

And maybe that ratty old beloved t-shirt can finally say, "I'm ready to become a rag. I've lived a good life."


⭐️ Step 1 - SET UP

Make a designated place for unwanted items go

  • Make it easy to get to

  • Put in an out-of-the way place, but not so out-of-the way you won't use it

  • Use a large open topped box, paper bag, or laundry basket so you can easily throw items in

  • If you're in a major letting go season of life, put one in multiple rooms

  • Tell everyone in your household what and where it is

⭐️ Step 2 - USE IT OFTEN!

The more we do this, the easier it gets. (And if it doesn't, it's ok! Just reach out to me!)


Keep it simple and find a place to donate that's on your way to errands you already run.

⭐️ Once you set up your donation station, I recommend taking an inaugural walk.

Practice noticing ALL of what's around. Practice listening and trusting our deep brain.

Look from the eyes of your Future Self visiting, or from the eyes of loved one (or a dream loved one).

  1. Grab a Donation Station container (or any good-sized container)

  2. Walk around the house looking for things that can be let go of

  3. Listen to your gut

  4. Practice putting things in - if nothing jumps out, open cupboards, drawers, closets, or look at bookshelves and knick-knacks.

If you can fill more than one container, great!

If you don't fill the container, great!

There's no right or wrong. This is just about seeing with fresh eyes and letting go of items that no longer speak to you.

Do I sometimes take things back out to keep? Yes!

Do I sometimes have overflowing containers before I empty them? Yes!

Do I beat my Self up about it? No!

If you don't already have one, I hope you'll try the Donation Station idea and let me know how it goes!

Happy Decluttering!



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